Physics: Guidelines & Expectations
We are partners in learning. During this course, you will have the opportunity to discover things about our Physical Universe that should amaze and fascinate you. I will make every effort to present this material in an interesting, informative, and provocative way. However, attending class and paying attention will probably not be all you need to do to achieve success here. I expect you to study at least 1 hour each day (7-10 hours/week), outside of class, so you may fully understand and assimilate this material. You need to make this effort.
Physics means Math: Physics is the branch of science that describes the principles and laws that govern our natural world. The concepts of matter, energy, force, and motion are interpreted quantitatively using mathematical formulae. A solid, fundamental knowledge of mathematics, including a basic understanding of algebra and geometry, is essential to physics problem solving. Students will use analytical methods to make connections between observed natural phenomena and the calculations derived to evaluate them.
Come to class on time. Students are expected to be in their assigned seat at the tone that marks the beginning of the block. Three or more unexcused tardies will result in disciplinary action. Each student is expected to exhibit appropriate classroom behavior. Disruptions and annoyances that interfere with students' ability to learn will not be tolerated. The use of cell phones or other electronic devices will not be permitted during class.
Be prepared each day with your text (if requested), notebook, pen or pencil, calculator, and an active mind. Please don't ask to borrow a pen, pencil, calculator, or mind.
If you miss a day, you miss a lot. It will be your responsibility to make up all work due to absence. Immediately upon your return to class, you should make an appointment with me to discuss what you have missed. Failure to do so may result in no credit (grade of 0) awarded for the assignments missed. Be sure to contact a responsible classmate to obtain notes you missed during your absence.
Assignments need to be completed on time. Work turned in late (except for absences noted above) will not be accepted and a grade of 0 will be given. You will be given sufficient time to complete your assignments. Many of these assignments require several days to complete. Do not wait until the night before the due date to attempt to complete the work.
Your submitted assignments must be just that...yours. Cheating, including plagiarism, will not be tolerated. Penalties for this type of infraction will be severe, up to and including an F in the course.
Grading Procedure: Students receive their grade based upon the total number of points earned from the following assessments:
Tests and quizzes: | 50% | Grading scale: | A | 93-100 | A- | 90-92 | |||
Laboratory exercises and observations: | 40% | B+ | 88-89 | B | 82-87 | B- | 80-81 | ||
Class activities (i.e. projects, reports, homework): | 10% | C+ | 78-79 | C | 72-77 | C- | 70-71 | ||
D+ | 68-69 | D | 62-67 | D- | 60-61 | ||||
F | < 60 |
This is an "elective" course. I am assuming you are here because you want to learn about our natural world and the laws that influence it. To do well, your work needs to be completed on time and be a reflection of your best efforts.
Please also take a moment to read this letter from the National Commission on Excellence in Education.